Analia Loria Kinsey is Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences in the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky. She currently serves as the Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador for her department. She is working with two PhD students, one postdoctoral student and two undergraduates who are underrepresented minorities, as part of a mentoring program for underrepresented minorities.
Analia is one of the two leading faculty organizing an annual symposium (7th consecutive year) focused on raising awareness of the importance of investigating and addressing women’s cardiovascular risk. She is the co-chair of the programming subcommittee of Women in Medicine and Science, working to develop workshops and activities related to women’s interests.
Narrative from original post:
Earl: “God bless. Be safe!”
Analia: “Jazmine was born 11 months ago. Ordinarily, I would have been at work the last few months. The pandemic has allowed to me to be home with her and see her grow.”