Today the New York Times reported that an internal Trump administration report expects the daily death toll in the United States to reach 3,000 on June 1, a seventy-percent increase from the current number.
Today more states continued to ease COVID-19 related restrictions, allowing certain businesses to reopen, some even as cases continued to rise.
Today Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear provided more details on guidelines for businesses and health care providers looking to restart safely. “Let’s remember: even as we work at being #HealthyAtWork, we are still dealing with a very deadly virus out there. We have to be gradual and we have to be smart. We have to make the right decisions and we need everyone on board,” Beshear urged.
Today Kentuckians continued to experience a range of feelings, including deep gratitude for our Governor’s leadership. And for all the green gifts of nature, shared with us in abundance.
#TogetherKY #TeamKentucky #HealthyatHome

Sara Grace, Cooper, and Blake
5:04 PM
Blake: “When asked…‘How are you doing through all of this?’ I never

5:33 PM
On the morning of the afternoon we photographed Saunda, she made this