Today was the first day Kentuckians are strongly encouraged to wear masks while in public.
Today, during his address to the Commonwealth, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear held a moment of silence for a 10-year-old boy who is now on a ventilator.
During the Governor’s press conference, Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack added that health officials are keeping their eyes on a new syndrome the virus is causing in a small number of children.
Last week, a lawsuit was filed against Governor Beshear in federal court. It states that the owner of a Lexington-based store believes the governor is overriding the constitution by requiring the owner’s employees to wear masks.
Today was day 57 since we began practicing social distancing. Tonight we are expecting a freeze. We hope it’s the last one for this spring.
#TogetherKY #TeamKentucky #HealthyatHome #HealthyAtWork

Sebastian, Drew, and Scott With Copper and Watson
4:35 PM
Scott: “We moved in just before the US reaction to the virus

Liam, Ryan, and Cicely With Gaia
3:29 PM
Cicely: “Blended families are chaos … but also the best kind!”