Among the people Kremena and I photographed this week were Mike and Toa Green of Crank & Boom Craft Ice Cream.
Tonight we share Toa’s words and offer gratitude for for Crank & Boom, for its yummy ice-cream, and for its amazing ability to support local non-profits and relief efforts.
Toa: “We have been quarantined together for 9 weeks but really it feels like it has been a hundred years. I never thought I had what it takes to be a full time mom, but COVID threw my husband, Mike, and I into super parent mode. We are solely caring for our kids while also running Crank & Boom in isolation. I’m very familiar and comfortable with uncertainty and discomfort after being an entrepreneur for 15 years. But having to juggle keeping a 10 month old, a 2.5 year old, and a team of 20 people safe and happy, has taken our exhaustion to the next level.
Amidst the exhaustion, I have JOY in the small moments that little bitty kids bring to our everyday life. The GROWTH they show each day even though most days feel mundane and repetitive brings a wonderful feeling of gratification. The laughs we have all shared and the closeness we have now as a quaranteam have given my heart more fulfillment than I could ever imagine.
As a small business owner, we have traveled through many struggles. This one is definitely a doozy. But our team has risen to the occasion. We are leaning into our mission even more to CREATE JOY, IGNITE LAUGHTER, AND INSPIRE COMPASSION . We have raised over $17,000 for local non-profits and relief efforts. We have distributed ice cream for over 1000 local health care heroes. We have brought some levity in a very heavy environment. For that I am proud and grateful for the work our team has done together.
The world has changed forever. We are living in a historic time. But between scary news reports and the never ending need to pivot, adjust and problem solve, I will remember this special time with our little family the most. The big giggles for big burps. The silly songs we sing. And even the meltdowns over things like the light being off, or having to wear pants.
Pants or no pants. We’re in this together.”
#TogetherKY #TeamKentucky #HealthyAtHome #HealthyAtWork

Mike, Bodhi, Toa, and Bindi
2:48 PM
Toa Green is Owner/Operator of Crank & Boom Craft Ice Cream. Narrative

Sophia, Jeana, and Tom With Felix
5:18 PM
Tom: “I miss seeing my wife interact with other people. She lights