Stephanie: “All my years of foster parenting and trauma training have prepared me for this. The kids are doing well.
And I have this to say to everyone: Give yourself grace. I have two kids in two different kindergarten classes. So … we are here. We are managing.”
Audio Transcript
My name is Stephanie Spires.
The America that I want to live in is an America where everyone has access to housing, food, education, and health care. Where mental health needs are respected, and not stigmatized. Where my partner can leave the house without fear of being wrongfully accused, arrested, or murdered. Where my children can play outside without being called racial slurs by cars driving by. Where 400,000 children waiting to be adopted across the country find forever families. Where instead of removing children from homes and placing them in foster care, our country provides services and supports to keep families together. This is my American Dream.