Zach and Allison

Allison: “How are we doing? We find this time to be filled with lots of stress because of all the unknowns. Coming out of a job where I do a lot of planning, it’s hard to find the comfort of scheduling. At the beginning of a month of furlough, I haven’t been able to enjoy the free time ahead. My father is 87-years-old; I’ve had to be super careful for his sake. As a mother, I am looking at sending my son 800 miles away to college and thinking about all the uncertainty.

We know we’ll come out of this, but we don’t know where we’ll be on the other side or if everyone will make it.”

Zach: “Going back to college will be interesting. A lot of the things I worry when I live at home—like keeping a distance—I won’t have to worry about because I won’t even be able to do them. But I also won’t have to worry about my 87-year-old grandfather. So going away will be a healthy thing, mentally. I also like that when I am at college, we’ll all have goals. I won’t be drifting any more, as I feel I’ve been doing all summer.”

Lexington in the Time of COVID-19 is an artwork about people practicing social distancing at a time of a deadly virus. And also offering kindness.

Kurt Gohde and Kremena Todorova capture photographs at the periphery of American culture, where drag queens, discarded couches, and abandoned motel signs exist.