Brock With Delila
Brock has been widowed twice. Her second wife passed last month. Delila is her therapy dog. Things are getting better.

Kameron, Melinda, and Kason
Melinda has 4 boys. Because Greenhouse17 lost some of its staff during COVID-19, all the residents have had to pitch in. Melinda rose to the challenge of helping

Joaquin, Yessenia, and Josiah With Skye
Normally, Yessenia and her boys get to see Yessenia’s niece—who are 6 and 2—at least every other day. Now they resort to messages on Marco Polo. Yessenia, Joaquin,

Mick, Libby Lee, and Lucy
Mick played two songs for us on his ukulele: “Sunshine On My Shoulders” and “Anti-COVID Anthem #19” (to the tune of “Short’nin’ Bread”). He sang, too, much to

Erica and Sam With Loki
Erica’s grandmother, Lila Mae, passed last week in Florida, where Erica is from. That, on top of the strange reality we all now inhabit, has helped Erica reconnect

Dor’Cas and Eli-John
Eli-John likes working out. Dor’cas loves music. She listens to the song “Losambo,” which means “prayers” in Lingala. Lingala is one of the languages Eli-John and Dor’cas’ parents

Carla With Max
Carla and Max are spending a lot of time on their perch. There is less traffic now so they can hear the birds much better. They miss the

Sage, Stone, Elizabeth, Shawn, Stephanie, and Seth
For Shawn’s 50th, his family had planned a weekend in Chicago. They were especially excited to take Shawn to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. The trip was

Isa, Maria, Tomas, Catalina, and Dave
Maria Labreveux is Executive Director of the Kentucky Science & Engineering Foundation (KSEF). Narrative from original post: Maria is the eternal optimist in the family. She believes this

Adam, Malik, Naheda, and Linda
Adam and Naheda are expecting their second child in June. A little sister for Malik.

Joe and Sharon
Joe and Sharon are retired. Life is not that different for them these days, except for their doctor’s appointments, which are now online.