Shana Sippy is Assistant Professor of Religion at Centre College and founding co-chair of the Underrepresented Faculty Council and Faculty for Justice at Centre College ( She is active at the intersection of communities–Jewish and South Asian–and works on issues of religious and cultural difference. She is also a part of the Auntylecutals aka the Feminist Critical Hindu Studies Collective, working on the intersection of activism and academia.
Narrative from original post:
Emmy: “The meal and retelling of the Passover story is called a ‘seder,’ meaning ‘order’ in Hebrew. This year, though chaos surmounts order, we’re viewing Passover as a ‘paradox prayer,’ a phrase I am borrowing from a friend. Each year this holiday urges us to open our doors. Each year we say, ‘Let all who are hungry come and eat.’ Each year we reckon with modern-day plagues of injustice, This year, our seder is centered not only on climate, racial, educational, and economic justice, but also on all the ways in which the pandemic and Passover implore us to act.”